Practical nutrition information, biochemistry education, mindfulness tips, and self-compassion practices.

Clinician's Incubator Clinician's Incubator

Beyond Food: How Your Work Could Be Impacting Your Blood Sugar

When we think about managing blood sugar, diet is often the first thing that comes to mind. And while eating balanced meals does play a crucial role, research is making it increasingly clear that how much we sit—and how often we move—matters just as much.

A recent study explored how breaking up prolonged sitting with different movement patterns affects blood sugar levels. The results suggest that simply sitting for long hours, even if you’re eating the “right” foods, could be harming your metabolic health. But there’s good news: small, intentional movements throughout the day can make a big difference.

Let’s break down the science and explore practical ways to counteract the blood sugar impact of a sedentary workday.

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Clinician's Incubator Clinician's Incubator

Smart Egg Substitutes: How to Cook and Bake Without Eggs as Prices Surge

Written by: Meg Bowman

If you’ve noticed that egg prices are skyrocketing again due to another avian flu outbreak, you’re not alone. The cost of eggs has fluctuated significantly over the last few years, leaving many home cooks looking for affordable alternatives. While some may just swap out eggs when baking due to cost, others—like my family—have been navigating life without eggs for years due to food allergies.

In our household, we had to eliminate eggs entirely after discovering an allergy, and we quickly learned that there are good substitutes out there. Whether you’re avoiding eggs due to allergies, dietary preferences, or their current price surge, choosing the right substitute for the recipe you’re making is important. 

Let’s explore the best egg alternatives, how they work in different recipes, and how to make simple swaps without sacrificing taste or texture.

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Clinician's Incubator Clinician's Incubator

What to Do When You’re Sick of Planning for Dinner

I don’t know about you, but I’m sick sick sick of making dinner every night. And it isn’t even the actual making dinner part that I hate, it’s the planning. Lately, I’ve found myself talking longingly with friends about how I used to make dinner, pre-kids, and it pretty much consisted of what we’d now consider a girl dinner: Some cheese, crackers, and olives, and we are set.

These days, regardless of whether It’s a dreary outside, I have to make something that the other members of my household would consider dinner.

Sound familiar?

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Clinician's Incubator Clinician's Incubator

Why New Year’s Resolutions Fail: Moving from “Should” to “Want”

The start of a new year often comes with the promise of a fresh start, but by February, many resolutions have already fallen by the wayside. If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone. One of the biggest reasons resolutions fail is that they’re often rooted in what we think we should do, rather than what we truly want to do. Let’s explore why this distinction matters and how you can reframe your goals to create a more fulfilling, sustainable path in 2025.

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Clinician's Incubator Clinician's Incubator

What’s for Dinner? Eating Strategies for Individuals with ADHD

What’s for Dinner? Eating Strategies for Individuals with ADHD

You wouldn’t know this, but neurodivergence is strongly represented in the Nutrition Hive team. Coincidence? No clue. But rest assured we are HERE for the many challenges of making food happen with ADHD. And it is a challenge for many reasons. Many clients I’ve worked with don’t like meal prep because by the time they are actually eating the meals they are so bored that they no longer want it. Others have challenges making grocery lists or shopping for meals. And 100% of my clients with ADHD lose food in the back of the fridge, have a vegetable hospice drawer, and have food that expired pre-Covid in the back of their pantry. Self-disclosure - that last one was also me.

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