We’re here to make getting the nutrition care you need easier.

Verify your insurance benefits.


Limited Insurance Panels are accepted including those listed below.

Don’t see your insurance listed? Check out our packages.

  • -United

  • -Aetna


    -Blue Cross Blue Shield



  • -Aetna


  • -Aetna

    -B First

    -Blue Cross Blue Sheild

    -UHC (United)


  • -Care First


  • -United

To check your insurance benefits, click here.

If you have out-of-network benefits, we’re pleased to issue you a superbill. Scroll down for more information.


As licensed healthcare providers, we are able to generate a "Superbill" for your services for possible insurance reimbursement.

What is a Superbill?

A Superbill is a coded receipt for healthcare services provided.

How does a Superbill "work?"

After providing payment, you will be given a coded receipt (the Superbill). You can provide the Superbill to your health insurance company if you have out-of-network coverage to pursue possible reimbursement for nutrition service session fees.

Learn more about superbills by downloading the guide.