Nutrition Hive is a functional nutrition practice that helps you feel confident about food.
hi, nice to meet you.
Feel like you again.
Feel at home in your body.
Get rock star confident with food.
Feel like you again. Feel at home in your body. Get rock star confident with food.
We make nutrition care accessible.
As licensed healthcare providers, we offer care that’s covered by your insurance benefits.
What makes Nutrition Hive different?
We believe in shame-free, personalized nutrition that puts you in the driver’s seat.
What we offer:
During your first session, collaborate with your nutritionist to create a foundation for your care plan. We have two package options to choose from, and we will work together to find the best one for you.

Meet the
Hive team.
Our nutritionists are here to partner with you on your journey towards healing. We bring the scientific, root-cause suggestions combined with evidence-based eating behavior expertise.
You bring the knowledge about what works (and doesn’t work) for you.
“I am so happy and I just wanted to say THANK YOU for taking me and my stomach issues seriously. I truly do not know what I did to find you, but omg my life has changed for the better.”
Jemma M.
“I haven’t had a better Christmas gift in 30 years. My pain and gut urgency are gone.”
Marie K.
“I learned more about myself in session than I thought possible. Your approach truly came from a place of heart and help - a healing presence!”
Ellen S.